- [NeurIPS 2021] Stylized Dialogue Generation with Multi-Pass Dual Learning 2023-03-10
- [TOIS 2021] Dialogue History Matters! Personalized Response Selection in Multi-Turn Retrieval-Based Chatbots 2023-03-10
- [TOIS 2021] Response Ranking with Multi-types of Deep Interactive Representations in Retrieval-based Dialogues 2023-03-10
- [ACL 2021] Exploring Distantly-Labeled Rationales in Neural Network Models 2023-03-10
- [ACL 2021] Three Sentences Are All You Need: Local Path Enhanced Document Relation Extraction 2023-03-10
- [NAACL 2021] Everything has a cause: Leveraging causal inference in legal text analysis 2023-03-10
- [AAAI 2021] Learning an effective context-response matching model with self-supervised tasks for retrieval-based dialogues 2023-03-10
- [AAAI 2020] Cross-Lingual Low-Resource Set-to-Description Retrieval for Global E-Commerce 2023-03-10